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Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 7 Using Redsn0w 0.9.8b7 For Windows And Mac

Apple had released iOS 5 Beta 7 couple of weeks ago for which complete Changelog was
reviewed. This release of Redsn0w provides tethered boot support for iPhone 4, iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3 and iPod Touch 4 meaning you have to reconnect your iDevice with PC/Mac to boot. However recently MuscleNerd has announced on twitter that Redsn0w 0.9.8b7 would work well for iOS 5 Beta 7,

Today’s iOS5b7 can be JB with last night’s redsn0w b7 http://is.gd/6eek4Y but point it at b6 IPSW…annoying off-by-1 now 🙂

Redsn0w by DevTeam had released 7th Edition of Beta Jailbreak for iOS 5 Beta 6 yesterday and is expected to release final Redsn0w 0.9.8 on final iOS 5 release (may be with untethered support alteast for iPhone 4 and below).

You can download iOS 5 Beta 7 from here and iTunes 10.5 Beta 7 can be downloaded from here. You can download Redsn0w 0.9.8b7:

Follow the procedure here for using Redsn0w.

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