Those Apple Users who have upgraded their Apple devices to either iOS 10 or masOS Sierra will have noted the much talked about Universal Clipboard feature , of which details are available on the macOS Sierra page created by Apple. By making use of the iCloud feature , the Universal Clipboard features allows users to […] Read more

Following the excitement over the release of the new OS X Mountain Lion v10.8,this operating system is now available for users to try.Apple has integrated a wide array of features and also taken some features from the IOS and iPad and combined these as well into the new software,in a move initializing and aiming for […] Read more

The developers (Information Architects) of the iA Writer,a minimalist,multi-platform writing application,have updated the iOS and OSX versions thereby enabling the user to use the Apple’s iCloud with more ease. The 1.3 Version for the iA writer,on the Mac side has a fully reconstucted window framework and new parser that enhances the speed and improves performance […] Read more

iPhone Dev Team memeber MuscleNerd mentioned on twitter that latest release of TinyUmbrella which allows you to save the SHSH blobs +APTicket will be enough in order to make use them in upcoming RedSnow. Now iPhone Dev Team has released the revision of RedsnOw 0.9.9b9 which now supports the saving of SHSH blobs of iOS 5.0.x. Although it requires […] Read more

Just now Skype has announced new Beta versions which brings another amazing feature for both Mac and Windows users all across the world. Both Skype 5.4 Beta for Mac and Skype 5.7 Beta for Windows not only gives Facebook integration which means you can add your Facebook friends to your Skype contact list but also allows you to make video calls to your Facebook […] Read more

iPhone 4s brought one of the most intuitive feature of voice assistant Siri which started a new wave of voice recognition application development and you may wonder that is there any such application which can be designed for Mac. Then don’t be surprise that it existed even before the launch of Siri and the application […] Read more

Firefox 8 based on minimalistic Google Chrome design has finally made it for public release with performance improvements. Firefox 8 can be downloaded from Mozilla FTP Servers for Mac, PC and Linux. One of the major change brought in this version of Firefox is the behaviors of add-ons have been changed which are disabled by […] Read more

iH8Sn0w has released a revised version of Sn0wbreeze v2.8b9 for newly released iOS 5.0.1 Beta operating system. It is pertinent to mention here that Sn0wbreeze v2.8b9 jailbreaking tool requires Tethered boot means you will have to connect your iDevice with PC/Mac every time you boot up. Therefore, If you are on iOS 5.0.1 and want to Jailbreak visit or download Sn0wbreeze […] Read more

Apple has just released iOS 5.0.1 to resolve iPhone 4S battery issues. Same time iPhone Dev Team memeber MuscleNerd has then right mentioned on twitter that iOS 5.0.1 can be jailbroken on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3 and iPod Touch 4 devices using Redsn0w 0.9.9b7. Now iPhone Dev Team has released another revision of RedsnOw 0.9.9b8 which […] Read more

Apple has just released iOS 5.0.1 Beta and now iPhone Dev-Team memeber MuscleNerd has confirmed through twitter that existing version of RedSn0w 0.9.9 beta 7 which will be allow you to jailbreak tethered boot for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad, iPad 2, iPod Touch 3 and iPod Touch 4 devices. Tethered boot means you will have to connect your iDevice with […] Read more

Recently we reported you about the release of latest iOS 5 Jailbreaking tool RedsnOw which was released right after the launch of iOS 5 operating system. However, users are still reluctant to perform jailbreaking because the tool requires Tethered boot means you will have to connect your iDevice with PC/Mac every time you boot up. Just now another […] Read more

Apple has just released iOS 5 and now iPhone Dev-Team has now another update called RedSnow 0.9.9b6 which will basically resolve iPhone 3GS network crash issue while using location services in iOS 5. This is what famous jailbreaker MuscleNerd said on twitter: You can download iOS 5 from here and whereas latest iTunes 10.5 for both windows and Mac system can be downloaded […] Read more
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