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Cydia Apps

Previously we shared many cydia tweaks which allows you to turn your iPhone lock-screen much similar to devices running Android operating system. Now i am sure you have already tried it on your iOS devices are also waiting for a tweak which lets you set Android’s “Jelly Bean” Lock Screen on iPhone. Yes, the waiting […] Read more

  Recently we reported you about a native iOS 5 hidden feature which allow users to make FaceTime calls over 3G Network through simple plist modification rather than using any third party app. Now jailbreak community has released tweak which allows you to modify the required Plist through Graphical User Interface (GUI) rather than doing it manually using iFile. Developer 3Gvenice has named […] Read more

Release of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak has opened the gates for jailbreak to come up with special apps and tweak which works the support of Siri and make things done easier then before. We have seen similar successful attempts in recent days such as SiriToggles, SiriUtils which allows you to change your settings simply through your voice command. […] Read more

We have reviewed various cydia tweaks such as SiriToggles, SiriUtils which really enhances iPhone 4S capabilities by allowing you to launch Apps, Turn ON/OFF WiFi/Bluetooth, Change Brightness And More using Siri Assistant feature . Now another jailbreak app called Sireet has just hit Cydia store which enables you to Tweet using native Siri Assistant feature. All you have to do is […] Read more

It was only couple of days back when iPhone 4S untethered jailbreak was released and now iOS developers have already started releasing new jailbreak tweaks and apps specially to enhance the capability of Siri Assistant feature. Just now we reviewed SiriToggles which allows you to Enable/Disable certain iPhone settings. Now similar kind of jailbreak tweak called SiriUtils […] Read more

Have you ever wished of opening apps or change settings through Voice Commands specially after the release of iPhone 4S Siri Assistant feature? After the release of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak, Thanks to iOS jailbreak community who have already started using iPhone 4S Siri Assistant feature to bring this functionality on iOS […] Read more

We have already reviewed WeeSpaces, WeeCompose, WeeKillBackground, WeeSearch jailbreak tweaks brings various  new features to iOS 5 Notification Center which are not available in native Notification Center app. Another amazing jailbreak tweak has been released for Notification Center called WeeSlide which not only give fast access to Volume and Brightness Controls but also adds a WiFi […] Read more

If you are a regular follower of koolmobile then you must have already come across various jailbreak tweaks which allows you to access iPhone or iPod Touch native camera app directly from lockscreen. Now, when iPad 2 has already jailbroken using Greenpois0n Absinthe tool, a developer named as Ron Melkhior has released a new jailbreak tweak called CameSlideShow for iPad […] Read more

Previously we have reviewed many jailbreak tweaks which allows you to change your iPhone Slide to Unlock Text such as Slider Enhancer. Now we another similar kind of jailbreak tweak has hit the cydia app store called SlideMyName which allows you to replace your Slide to unlock text with your iDevice. This jailbreak tweak has come from […] Read more

Have you ever needed to export all your iPhone SMS and iMessages but couldn’t find an easy solution? Well now you can do it because jailbreak community has come up with an excellent solution in a form of jailbreak tweak called Messages2pdf. Tweak has been developed by Alberto De Luca not only allows you to export all your SMS and […] Read more

If you are an iPhone user then i am sure you must be enjoying with all tweaks, themes, utilities and tools that jailbreak community is offering through Cydia app store. If you are such a type of iPhone user who loves to keep Barrel, Motion and Graviboard like applications which gives special animated look to your springboard icons then we […] Read more

I am sure you will be so much frustrated of not having an access to some of the best features of iOS such as FaceTime and Photo Stream on your iPhone/iPad devices while you are only connected to high speed 3G network. Even some of the apps such as AppStore does allow you to download applications but unfortunately under 20MB limit […] Read more


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