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iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered Jailbreak is Being Tested and Polished

We have been sharing all the updates coming out from Dream Team regarding most awaited release of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered jailbreak. Just now we have received some more update from one of the Dream Team member Planetbeing that currently they are performing final testing as well as fixing problems being faced with jailbreak apps. Moroever, majority of testing has already been completed but still needs to be polished.

Previously famous iPhone hacker and member of Dream Team released iPhone 4S Untethered jailbreak on iOS 5.0.1 demo video showing cydia running after the reboot. Although no ETA from both iPhone-Dev Team and Chronic Dev Team has been announced yet but we expect you to keep on following us. As soon as the updates are available for main jailbreaking tools such as SnowbreezeRedSn0wpwnageTool and Corona 5.0.1 Untether you will be seeing tutorials and guides to perform Untethered jailbreak on your iPhone 4 and iPad 2 devices.

However, it is pertinent to mention here that Unthered jailbreak will be available for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 devices running iOS 5.0.1 firmware. Therefore, if you have not upgraded your device yet then do it now by download firmware for iPhone 4S from here and iPad 2 from here and make sure you follow the guide here to save SHSH blobs after upgrade.

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