For last couple of days we have been witnessing some amazing news from famous iPhone hackers P0sixninja and pod2g about the possible release of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered jailbreak in next week. Moreover, these hackers have also informed all A5 owners to upgraded their devices which includes iPhone 4S and iPad 2 to latest iOS 5.0.1 Build 9A406 firmware. Another news which came out yesterday from NotCom, Developer behind TinyUmbrella, in which he released an update to support iOS 5.0.1 Build 9A406 firmware which gave another hint for the possible release of iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Untethered jailbreak. Therefore, it is better to save the SHSH blobs for this new build. You can find the below mentioned step by step guide which will save your iPhone 4S SHSH Blobs on iOS 5.0.1 Build 9A406 Using TinyUmbrella 5.10.04.
What’s needed
- Download latest Tunes 10.5.2 on both PC or Mac from here
- Download TinyUmbrella 5.10.04 both Mac and Windows from here
- Run TinyUmbrella and you will see this kind of interface
- Now connect you iPhone4S with computer and you will see your Device name under connected devices on TinyUmbrella. After you see your device name click it to see its information on TinyUmbrella.
- On the right hand side you will see a Save SHSH button, click it to start saving you SHSH blobs. On completion you will see your Phone’s blob under Saved SHSH blobs as shown in snap below.
- You have successfully saved your SHSH blobs from the firmware you are currently running. If your blobs have not been saved then you can click advanced tab and try un-checking “Request SHSH from Cydia” and Press Save SHSH again. Hopefully this time it will work.