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Google+ for Android Updated – Adds Home Screen Widget

Few days ago we have reported that Google+ has been updated and today we witness another update which shows the concern Google has to make its social networking application stand at par with Facebook. With this update Google+ Widget returns which allows you to share your thought and make posts directly from homescreen without the need to access Google+ application. Not only the update adds support for widget but also the update removes installation and downloading bugs which existed in previous version of the application.


Some of the major features of Google+ 2.1.1 are,

  • Added the Homescreen Posting widget
  • Fixes for download and installation issues
  • Bug fixes

Due to nonstop feedback received from Android users, Google is updating its Google + Android App on frequent basis. Previous update of Google+ App aimed to fix notifications. Update have been released for the Google+ Android application and it includes some much-needed conveniences as well as support for a ton of new languages. One of the biggest feature it has come with, is +comments.

You can view the new Google+ in action,

If you want to download this latest Google+ 2.1.1 Android App then click here.

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