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TinyUmbrella 5.00.10 – Downgrade from iOS 5 Beta to iOS 4 on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

iOS 5 Betas are released for developers to test the functionality of the Operating System before the final launch and so far seven revisions have been released with last iOS 5 Beta 6. You need an Apple developer account in order to become eligible for testing which will cost your 99 US$ a year. Although the release is intended for developers but still some die-hard fans of Apple could not resist themselves from installing the iOS 5 Betas using Direct Download links from iOS 5 Beta 6 page and Activating them using Sn0wbreeze 2.8 Beta 6.

So if your are one of these die-hard Apple fan you must have saved the SHSH blobs of iOS 5 Beta 6 before upgrading the iOS using  TinyUmbrella or iSHSHit as they are required for Downgrading the iOS back to previous version. So the last thing required was an update of TinyUmbrella to Support iOS 5 Beta 6 or lower’s support which was delayed due to heath issues with NotCom, Developer of TinyUmbrella. However today he has released the awaited update on TinyUmbrella 5.00.10.

So if you want to downgrade from iOS 5 Beta and have your SHSH blobs avaiable for iOS 4 then follow the step-by-step guide to downgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using TinyUmbrella 5.00.10 download links below,

Download Link for Windows
Download Link for Mac

notcom’s words for future work,

5.0 beta 3-6 support
I finally got around to adding 5.0 beta support for the past three betas. Sorry for the delay. Life has been… well… life. Enjoy!
And YES! I am still working on the rewrite for TU. I plan on having DFU pwnage support for those of you with devices that support limera1n. I’m probably going to try to add pwnage2 support if possible for those of you with devices that support it. I’ll keep you updated as much as possible. 

Note: I don’t recommend anyone to upgrade to iOS 5 Beta for testing. Please wait for the iOS 5 final version for update.
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