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Shrink 0.9 – Reduce & Resize Springboard Icons for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Jailbreak Tweak

If you have installed large number of applications and feel that there is enough roam avaiable but the size of icons could have been smaller then Jailbreak community has to offer you Shrink APplication which allows you to reduce the size of applcations. Although there are utilities like Iconoclasm which allow you to have more than 4 rows and columns but still with native icon sizes you could practically no go beyond 5×5 rows and columns without reducing the size of icons.


Shrinks allows you to reduce the size of springboard icons by certain percentage inorder to avoid cluttering with more than 5×5 rowsxclumns springboard. Shrinks also provides changing the color of icon labels as well as option to hiding labels. Shrink is compatible with Iconoclasm, FolderEnhancer, Infinidock and Winterboard. No icon is added after installation of Shrink rather you can find it under the settings option of your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

Sneak preview Shrink

Shrink 0.9 is available for Jailbroken iPhone and iPad for a price of 0.99 US$ however it can be installed from xSellize Repo using the procedure here for trial purposes but if you like the Application please buy it from Cydia.

In order to enjoy these Applications and Tweaks you need to Jailbreak so you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak  & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella,  SnowBreeze &  PwnageTool.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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