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PowerLock – Add 12 Most Handy System Toggles on Your iPhone and iPod Touch Lockscreen Jailbreak Tweak

iOS over the past years has been continuously evolving however notifications and access to frequently used services has always remained a sore point. In the past we have reviewed the Jailbreak Ultimate Notification center BBSettings for current iOS 4.x whereas Apple has also incorporated new Notification Center in its iOS 5 Beta which is still in development and testing phases. Access to frequently used services has been solved using PowerLock Jailbreak Tweak which adds 5 shortcut icons at a time right under the Clock on the LockScreen. PowerLock comes from WrightsCSApps the creators of FlashCam.


Features provided by PowerLock are,

  • unlock the device
  • turn the device off,
  • respring the device,
  • reboot the device,
  • Turn Device into Safe Mode,
  • turn Airplane mode on or off,
  • toggle GPS,
  • toggle Bluetooth etc

After installation of the tweak there will be no homescreen icons added however you can configure the tweak from Settings menu. If you are one of the slow users who love to have un-intrusive access you would love this tweak.

See Powerlock in action in video below,


PowerLock 0.0.1 is available for Jailbroken iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch for a price of 1.49 US$ however it can be installed from xSellize Repo using the procedure here for trial purposes but if you like the tweak please buy it from Cydia.

In order to enjoy these Applications and Tweaks you need to Jailbreak so you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak  & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella,  SnowBreeze &  PwnageTool.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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