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OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C37) and iCloud Beta 7 Released for Developers, Apple

Recently we have covered a story about release of OS X Lion with iCloud Beta 6 release by Apple. Things are coming too fast and now apple has release new seed of OS X Lion 10.7.2 and a new beta of iCloud for Mac users. These new updates are released exclusively for Developers and can bedownloaded from the Apple Developer Center. Therefore, if you are one of iOS and Mac Developer Program member then its time for you to set up iCloud for iOS, OS X Lion and Windows and starte developing your apps for the iCloud service.

OS X Lion 10.7.2 Update (11C37)

The purpose of  providing this pre-release version of OS X Lion 10.7.2 (os_x_lion_10.7.2_update_11c37.dmg) is basically for the testing of iCloud and updates the public release of OS X Lion and any earlier seed of OS X Lion 10.7.2. If you want to run the new seed  then all you have to do is to run the included reversioner package(os_x_lion_10.7.2_update_reversioner_11c37.zip) followed by the OS X Lion 10.7.2 update without restarting your system. Once OS X Lion 10.7.2 Update is installed then you are required to restart your system.Once again in order to get this update you must require a Mac Developer Program membership.

iCloud for OS X Lion beta 7

iCloud (icloud_for_os_x_lion_beta_7.dmg) Add-on installer for OS X Lion and again Mac Developer Program membership will be required to get it on your Mac system.

if you want to get more information on Mac OS X Lion then visit our Mac OS X section.

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