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LaunchConfirm – Safeguards Application Launching for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch Jailbreak Tweak

You might have come across a situation that mistakenly applications on you home screen are launched while shuffling the pages on even selecting applications. Jailbreak community now offer you LaunchConfirm Jailbreak Tweak which safeguards you from launching application mistakenly.  LaunchConfirm adds a notification to launch an application therefore whenever an application is tapped the popup asks you to verify the launch otherwise you can cancel the launch.

LaunchConfirm is a free Jailbreak tweak from ModMyi Repo but there is one thing which is a bit annyoing that all the applications are treated the same way. It could have been better that LaunchConfirm would have Blacklist or Whitelist for screening Safeguard action against or for some applications rather than all. The suggestion has already been forwarded to the developer by ModMyi and it has been noted for the future update by the developer.

Sneak Preview LaunchConfirm in action,

In order to enjoy these Applications and Tweaks you need to Jailbreak so you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak  & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella,  SnowBreeze &  PwnageTool.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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