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Download Greenpois0n Absinthe v0.3 For Linux to Untether Jailbreak iPhone 4S/iPad 2 on iOS 5.0/5.0.1

Few days back Dream Team having members of iPhone Dev-Team and Chronic Dev Team released the most awaited jailbreaking tool called Greenpois0n Absinthe for A5 devices. Utility allows you to jailbreak iPhone 4S (either running iOS 5.0 or 5.0.1) and iPad 2 (WiFi only, GSM & CDMA) devices running iOS 5.0.1 firmware. Initially the tool was only available for Mac system but then later on also released for windows operating system. Now the Chronic Dev Team has released linux supported version which means users who are running Linux operating system on their Desktop/Laptops can now Jailbreak your iPone 4S or iPad 2 Untethered running the iOS 5.0 (iPhone 4S only) or iOS 5.0.1 firmware using the latest version of Absinthe (v0.3) for Linux. Confirmation has come through one of the hacker who tweeted on twitter.


Here you can Download Greenpois0n Absinthe v0.3 for Linux. You can also download Absinthe for both Mac and Windows from here.

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