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Download eBay App for Mango From Marketplace

We have been hearing from everywhere about upgrading Apps to upcoming Windows Phone Mango which is due to hit the devices within two weeks time as per the Microsoft official press release. We have also reported you that AT&T is also planning to start rolling out Windows Phone 7.5 Mango update from 27 September. gMaps ProWhatsApp, WeatherLive,  Mehdoh Twitter Client, Gchat Apps have already been released with Windows Phone 7.5 Mango support.

Now official eBay App has also been upgraded from v1.12 to v1.13 appearing as a seperate app in marketplace rather than update to existing version. The new version has got a complete new interface having additional information at home page with small icons.

The salient features with mango support as are follows:

  • Pin searches or individual auctions to your Start screen
  • Fast app resume
  • Live barcode scanner
If you take a look at above mentioned features then you would find “Live Barcode Scanner” feature is the most interesting one as your phone camera will also you to  make live scanners for barcodes rather than taking photo and analyzing it.  However, phone camera with a decent lighting will be required to work it better.
You can download eBay app for Windows Phone 7.5 Mango from Marketplace
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