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Downgrade 5.0.1 / 5.0 to 4.3.3 on iPad 2 3G (GSM / CDMA) with TinyCFW [How to Tutorial]

if you are an iPad user then you must be well aware of only unthethered jailbreaking solution made available yet for iPad 2 called JailbreakMe 3.0 released few months ago. But unfortunately some users having iPad 2 have accidentally upgraded their devices 4.3.5 / 5.0 or 5.0.1 as a result of which they lost Untethered jailbreak on iPad 2.

Keeping in view of above, a famous and genius iPhone developer Notcom has developed a brand new tool called TinyCFW which allows users with iPad 2 3G (GSM / CDMA) and iPhone 4 devices to downgrade from 4.3.5 / 5.0 or 5.0.1 to iOS 4.3.3 in order to get back the untethered jailbreak.

From Developer:

What TinyCFW is:

  • It will modify an existing ipsw for an ipad2 gsm/cdma or iphone4 gsm/cdma
  • It will create an ipsw that you can use with TinyUmbrella AND iTunes to restore to a version of iOS that you have SHSHs for.
  • It is primarily for iPad2 with a baseband OR iPhone 4.

What TinyCFW is NOT

  • A jailbreak
  • An unlock
  • A tool to protect your baseband.
  • A tool that will restore your device to any firmware
  • A tool for use with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPad, or iPhone 4S

Whats Needed

  • Saved iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs.
  • Download iOS 4.3.3 for iPad 2 (GSM / CDMA)
  • Download iTunes (Windows / Mac)
  • Download TinyUmbrella for Windows or Mac
  • Download TinyCFW (Windows – Jar)


1-   Launch TinyCFW tool by double clicking Jar or running .exe file. Make sure you have java installed with at least 2.5 GB RAM.

2-   Once the window pops up, just click the top button and select an ipsw for which you have SHSHs for.

3-    Now press the second button, The app will scan it and tell you the firmware and baseband versions in the ipsw you selected and the firmware and baseband versions that will be in the target ipsw.

4-   click ‘Save Target IPSW’. This will take a minute or two and when it is finished, you will have a file named:

<your original ipsw name> .bbupdate.ipsw.

5-   Now Launch Tinyumbrella and make iTunes look at Cydia’s Server in the “Advanced” options.

6-   Turn off your iDevice, connect your iDevice with computer.

7-   Now follow these steps to put your iDevice into DFU Mode.

  • Hold Power + Home buttons for 10 seconds
  • Now release the Power button but keep holding the Home button for 10-30 more seconds
  • Your iDevice should now be in DFU mode

8-   Now open “iTunes” and click your iDevice on left panel.

9-   Hold the Shift button and press “Restore” button highlighted in red color on iTunes and browse the patched IPSW file created

Congratulation, you have successfully downgraded your  iPad 2 3G from iOS 5.0.1 / 5.0 to 4.3.3. Now you can checkout the JailbreakMe solution for Untethered jailbreak.

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