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Chronic Dev Team: We’ve Already Received Over 10 Million Crash Reports From Jailbreak Supporters

Apple has been quite busy now a days in patching all exploits which will help developers to bring untethered jailbreak for latest iOS 5 firmware. In order to fight with effort, Chronic Dev Team has recently released an app called Chronic-Dev Crash Reporter  which let iOS devices to send crash reports automatically re-routing them to a custom server rather than on Apple server. This custom server is specifically hosted by Chronic Dev Team will not only received crash reports from users but also help hackers to explore more useful exploits.

Now one week after the application made available for users, Chronic Dev Team member Joshua Hill (twitter name  p0sixninja) has announced on twitter that they have received over 10 million crash reports from jailbreak users all around the world. These crash reports data will be now be analyzed by  Chronic Dev Team and may eventually help to create a stable untethered jailbreak for Apple’s iOS 5.

It is pertinent to mention here that there is no estimated time line has been released yet for untethered iOS 5 jailbreak as well as for iPhone 4S and iPad 2 but jailbreaking community is totally committed to make jailbreak reality.

Via [iDB]

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