There are number of Browsers available in AppStore to provide additional functionality like Flash content support using SkyFire and Dolphin Internet Browser etc however Safari remains the default browser and all the links opened from any native applications are launched in Safari but now you can change the default internet browser from Safari to any 3rd Party Browser using Browser Changer Jailbreak Tweak.
Some of the major browsers recently added in the in this update are,
This is the successor of OpenOpera. Added support for Atomic Web Browser, iCab Mobile and Perfect Browser, LastPass, PushBrowser, Terra and Sleipnir, Portal and Skyfire(iPad), iChromy, Maven Web Browser, Puffin, Covenant Eyes, K9 Web Protection Browser.
For OperaMini, automatic page loading on startup is not supported. After the OperaMini launced, tap the URL bar, and the linked URL will be pasted. Then, tap “GO” button on the keyboard.
All you need to do is install the Browser Changer Jailbreak Tweak from Cydia for Free and goto Settings and Select the browser you want to set as default. You are done now from next time onwards your 3rd party browser will be used for opening links you select from any application.
In order to get this Cydia App on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, make sure you device is Jailbroken. Click here to tethered Jailbreak iOS 5 using RedSnOw.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPod, Themes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.
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