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App Switcher Let You Change Settings, Launch Apps And Make Calls From Notification Center [No Jailbreak Required]

We have already reviewed best iOS 5 Notification Center Widgets and Tweaks which although adds up the functionality of notification center but all requires a jailbroken device. However, If you are looking for an application similar kind of functionality for a non jailbroken device then thanks to a company called Pepper Stuff who has developed an app called App Switcher. This awesome app allows you to quickly launch apps, make calls or change settings right from the notification Center.


All you need to do is to install/launch the application and then set up a task as a Quick Launch. These task can then be executed by juw5 pulling down the Notification Center bar and tapping the specific task. You can define unlimited number of Quick task such as call your friend, text your father, turn off WiFI etc.

You can download the application from App store  at a price tag of $0.99 and it is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices running iOS 5.0 or later

Via [Cultofmac]

For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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