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TextExpander 1.2 – Custom Typing Shortcut Utility Saves Time & Updates Dropbox Support for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch Appstore

Typing unorthodox SMS, eMail, Documents, Web forms etc using Apple predictive text input can some time become very painstaking job therefore people at SmileOnMyMac Inc have introduced a small little utility, TextExpander, to add custom typing shortcuts & abbreviation.TextExtender creates a library of shortcuts defined by yourself and they can be used within Apple native applications as well as 100 other iOS Apps including Twitter, Facebook, Google, IM+ etc.


Recently TextExpander has been upgraded to TextExpander 1.2 with following major features & imprevements,

  • Sync support for Dropbox in Settings
  • Sort snippets option in Settings
  • Subscribe option for TextExpander touch tips and email updates
  • TweetBot  Support to run as a Twitter client in Settings
  • Displays of snippet labels
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
Appstore discription of TextExpander,

With TextExpander touch, you create a library of abbreviation shortcuts for snippets of text that you use frequently, such as addresses, URLs, and standard replies. Tap that abbreviation, and it automatically expands to the full snippet. (You can even insert today’s date automatically with the default abbreviation “ddate”!)

You can use your TextExpander touch snippets directly in over 100 apps that support it, including Twittelator, TwitBird Pro, Elements, Simplenote, WriteRoom, Circus Ponies NoteBook, DEVONthink To Go, BusyToDo, Things, and Zendesk. See www.smilesoftware.com/applistfor a complete list.

  • Compose notes quickly and easily that contain frequently-used text, addresses, phone numbers, email signatures, URLs, etc.
  • Supported in over 100 apps, including Twittelator, TwitBird Pro, Elements, Simplenote, WriteRoom, Circus Ponies Notebook, DEVONthink To Go, BusyToDo, Things, and Zendesk.
  • Automatically insert your notes into Mail and SMS messages, or copy-and-paste into other apps on your iOS device.
  • Automatically insert today’s date with the short abbreviation ddate
  • Add TextExpander snippets from your Mac via your local network.
  • Save composed notes in an archive for reuse.
  • Use multiple snippet groups.
  • Add Predefined Groups such as accented words, symbols, HTML, and CSS.


You can download  TextExpander 1.2 using  the procedure here but please purchase the app from AppStore if you like it for 4.99 US$.

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