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SmartKeyboard Provides iPhone a Physical Keyboard iPad’s Smart Cover Style [Video]

Ever wondered having Physical Keyboard on your iPhone or got bored of typing on virtual touch screen keyboard that we have SmartKeyboard for you which provides physical keyboard to your iPhone. SmartKeyboard is iPad 2’s SmartCover Style flap over keyboard which sticks on the base of iPhone using attached magnet. SmartKeyboard has back lit keys which allow you to type in low light conditions however one of the major drawback is that Homebutton gets concealed behind the keyboard when you are typing.

SmartKeyboard at the moment is just a concept but some of the folks like me would like to have such Add-on to support fast email and Message typing on their iPhone. In addition to use it as a keyboard it allows folds at the back to provide a stand which is actually same like iPad 2’s smart covers.

Sneak Preview SmartKeyboards in action,

Although SmartKeyboard is an idea at the moment but due to public response it may become a reality one day may be as add-on with the coming next generation iPhone a.k.a iPhone 5.

via  Mobiflip

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