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Pixable – Find top Photos and Videos shared by your Facebook Friends on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Managing Facebook account these days has become cumbersome when you have got dozens of friends who share stuff daily therefore Pixable comes with the solution of filtering you Friends highest rated photos and videos based on popularity and your connections. Pixable filters photos and videos out of your Facebook account and presents it in a more intuitive manner buy using special pics of the day, overall best pic, most viewed pic type of filters. You also have the ability to comment directly which will be reflected on your Facebook account.


Some of the major features provided by Pixable are,

  • Feeds: All of your friends’ photos and videos are ranked and organized into feeds like Top Photos of the Day, Shared Videos, New Profile Pics, and more. Pixable analyzes likes, comments, tags and dozens of other variables to find the photos and videos you care about.
  • Follow: Stay up to date with your friends’ latest photos. Follow friends and get notifications whenever they upload or are tagged in a photo.
  • Synced to Facebook: Whenever you comment or like a photo on Pixable the same automatically happens on Facebook.
  • Multi Directional Navigation: Flick your finger left or right to browse through the photos of a category. Flick your finger up or down to browse through the album of the current photo.
  • Easy Share & Save: Found a funny or interesting photo? Share it via e-mail, Twitter, or Facebook with just a click or download it directly onto your iPhone!
You can install Pixable 2.1 from AppStore for Free.

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