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iPad 2 3G Coming to China on Wednesday[Apple]

Everybody is waiting to get any official news or announcement from apple regarding upcoming iPhone 5. News has come from apple but unfortunately has nothing to do with iPhone. 3G version of famous iPad2 is going to be released on Wednesday confirmed by apple. Users will be able to buy it from Apple retail stores, via online stores and will also see the device sold at authorized resellers across the country.

It was all started in September when prices for 3G iPad 2 model were discovered by performing a search on 3G iPad 2 on Chinese Apple store website but products were unable to be ordered. It is expected that Chinese iPad 3G models will be reasonably priced when compared to Hong Kong and US prices. 16GB iPad 2 could cost RMB 4,688, which is equivalent to US version which runs RMB 4,300 (converted). Whereas in Hong Kong it costs RMB 3,910 which is still cheaper due to tax free country but it should be close enough in order to discourage the smuggling.

Via [thenextweb]

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