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HTC Wants To Compete With Apple By Purchasing WebOS

One of the most popular smartphone manufacturer and designer of Sense UI, HTC has shown their willingness in purchasing its own mobile OS. It was all started when HP made the decision to stop all webOS hardware production and subsequently get rid of the OS. Soon after the news goes online and keeping in view the deep understandings of the workings of a mobile operating system, HTC has started considering to purchase it but is in no rush. HTC Chairwoman Cher Wang has also said that company has been considering the purchase of webOS from HP, reports FocusTaiwan.

“We have given it thought and we have discussed it internally, but we will not do it on impulse,” [HTC Chairwoman Cher] Wang said in an interview with the Economic Observer of China.

“We can use any OS we want. We are able to make things different from our rivals on the second or third layer of a platform,” Wang said. “Our strength lies in understanding an OS, but it does not mean that we have to produce an OS.”

Asked about Google Inc.’s acquisition of Motorola Mobility Inc. (MMI), Wang said it was the “correct” decision by Google because MMI has many

HTC has already gained a lot of popularity because of its vast experience in mobiles OS and Sense UI for HTC Handsets. Therefore, Purchasing a mobile OS like webOS might not be a bad idea as it will diversify its handset portfolio from the current, arguably boring army of Android smartphones. Now all we have to do is wait and see where this deal will end up.

Via [InToMobile]

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