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How to Enable Android-like Auto Correct Keyboard on iOS 5

Recently we have reported how to activate Panorama Mode hidden in iOS 5 and today its another great features which lies hidden in iOS 5. Its an Auto Correct Keyboard which is more os less like Android that automatically corrects spellings at the same time as you type. It is displayed as a bar on the top of normal keyboard which at times displays 3-7 options for correct spellings and it also has the ability to learn new words as you type.

You can enable the feature by following procedure,

  1. Download and Install iBackupBot
  2. Backup iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using iTunes
  3. Launch iBackupBot and locate the backup, then load it.
  4. Locate Library/Preferences/com.apple.keyboard.plist and open the file. (for unregistered software press cancel and plist will open)
  5. Add the following code in the plist: <key>KeyboardAutocorrectionLists</key><string>YES</string>
  6. Save modifications, and then restore from backup from iBackupbot.

Now you can enjoy Auto Correct keyboard on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch running iOS 5.

via Sonny Dickson

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