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Google TV 2.0 Honeycomb Update with TV & Movies, Search, Photos , Android Market, Added Apps and Features : 4 Demo Videos Released

Recently Google has updated the Google TV to version 2.0 which add bunch of new features to the Android TV Platform along with additional Applications. Some of the major changes include Android Market and TV & Movies Applications. Addition of these new features and applications wont appeal to much to the new users as they are not as promising as Apple contents e.g. Siri enabled Apple TV however it will definitely make the existing users happy.

Update will will start rolling out starting from Sony Models from this Sunday onwards followed by Logitech ones. Although you might see some sluggishness in update if there is too much rush of existing customers upgrading their devices at once however things will cool down in few hours time after release. From the videos below it is apparent that there is a major revamp in the design of interface and Android Market will certainly open new horizons for Google TV Applications and Games. Also the search capabilities have been enhanced in order to quickly access Movies and TV contents. Here are some of the videos which Google has released to display some of the goodies of Google TV 2.0.

TV & Movies






Google TV User Experience


We will be updating you on the relase of Google TV release next week so follow us on twitter and facebook to get updates on Apple, Android, Symbian, Gadgets & News.

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