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Gingerbread increasing the lead from Froyo, Honeycomb sluggish performance [infograph]

Google Android development team is working hard to improve the performance and features by moving ahead in OS version. Although time is near for the official release of IceCream Sandwich for older Android devices. However the numbers of Froyo devices had been long beaten by Gingerbread 3.x devices which have increased to 44.4% from 38.7% last year where as Froyo 2.2 has been dropped to 40.7%. One of the main reason behind increased number of Gingerbread activations is the release of updates by all major manufacturers.

The most depressing part is that Honeycomb numbers are not increasing as expected which are merely 1.9% from 1.8% last month. Now we would be seeing increasing numbers of IceCream Sandwich activations as tablets manufacturers are planning to upgrade their devices to latest IceCream Sandwich. Whereas legacy Android OS Eclair 2.1 dropped to 10.7% as still some of the low end devices made from Chinese manufacturers are being released on Eclair requiring less processing power and storage. Moreover Android Donut remained static at 1.4% and Cupcake at 0.9%.

Source Android Developers 

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