If you are a Koolmobile regular visitor you might have seen the post How to Install Official Facebook for iPad a month ago which was basically a work around to activate Facebook for iPad by simply changing Application plist values. However officially Facebook for iPad has still to be announced may be with some additional features. A report by WSJ says that Facebook for iPad will be released on September 22 during F8 Developers Conference at the San Francisco Design Center.
Although Facebook has not much to say about release of Facebook for iPad however they are sending out the invitations for F8 Developers Conference at the San Francisco Design Center.
Release of Facebook App for iPad has been awaited since the launch of iPad last year as Facebook is one of the largest Social Media Network. We’ve also seen how the Facebook Application will look like however the final product may have some additional features for iPad only.
If you are intrested in trying the Facebook for iPad right now you can see the complete procedure on How to Install Official Facebook for iPad using Jailbreak iPad tweak.
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