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Curved Glass Apple iOS Devices Will be Coming in 2012[Report]

Apple is planning to release iOS devices having curved glass screen as early as first half of 2012 reported by DigiTimes. Report further says that Cupertino company has already purchased glass polishing hardware which makes them possible to produce and launch the first iOS device with curved glass screen in the first half of 2012.

Suppliers of the non-Apple camp are working on products with curved cover glass in attempts to gain a competitive edge in the handheld device market dominated by Apple, sources in the glass industry said.

But Apple reportedly also has bought glass polishing equipment for its suppliers in preparation for the production of devices fitted with curved cover glass. Lens Technology, Fuji Crystal, G-Tech are said to be major cover glass suppliers of Apple. While Lens and Fuji focus on iPhones, G-Tech supplies mainly for iPad.

Although we have already seen a curved glass screen phones such as Dell Venue, HTC Sensation and Google Nexus S shown in above picture but it will require apple to completely redesign their idevices. However, if Apple has already decided to introduce these curved glass screen iDevices in future then it may resemble to curved design of the iPod Nano.

Via [macpost, digitimes]

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