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The Most Popular Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps available

Following the overwhelming response received by the Pokémon Go App ,here is a list of the most popular Pokémon Go IV Calculator Apps that users can download from the net.

If you are a very enthusiastic Pokémon Go user,you will be very familiar with the IV (Individual Value),Individual CP(Combat Power) indices,in addition to statistics related to the base species which are given for the various Pokémon species. Pokémon Go produces distinctive Stamina ,Defense and Attack figures for each Pokémon captured -with values ranging from 0-15. Although these values are hidde from the player they play a vital role while the player is playing the Gym battles .The strength of the Pokémon is hence determined by these values-ie the higher the “perfect percentage” the more powerful the Pokémon. Considering this fact ,we can conclude that the IV value is very useful, but the problem is that they are concealed so they are difficult to find their value. The Pokémon IV Calculator is the app that  enables users  to bypass this problem.

Here are  a few ways you can help yourself:

  1. The Pokémon Go Nexus-this enables users to find out their Pokémon Go qualifications in order to calculate their IV value. It is available at pgnexus.gg.pokemon go nexus
  2. Pokémon Go IV Calculator-It is very easy to use and is available for users using any platform as it is Web-based. It is available at pokemon.gameinfo.iopokemon-iv-calculator
  3. Pokémon IV Calculator-PokeGo Master-This is an Android Application ,that can be installed easily through the Google Play store free of cost.pokego master
  4. PokeTool-This is a different option for Android users ,and is available in the form of an APK ,from GitHub.
  5. Pokémon Go IV Calculator Google Sheet-These allow the user to view their Pokémon Go IV Statistics in the form of a spreadsheet.google spreadsheet
  6. Poke Assistant IV Calculator-This is a more sophisticated web based  IV calculator that is easier to use. Simply go to pokeassistant.com/main/ivcalculator for further details.pokemon assistant
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