No matter how impressing your Operating System is we are always curious of trying different things which are not not supported on our device. People are trying to use Android on iPhone, Linux on iPhone and now its turn to have Windows 7 on iPhone/iPod Touch.
If you obsessed with Windows 7 running on your friends HTC device now you can try your luck by simulating Windows 7 on your iPhone 4/iPod Touch. But be careful that its only Simulation OS at back end will remain iOS.
To install simply visit Cydia and install iWindows. iWindows changes your safari browser to look like Windows Chrome browser. Icons replacement with Windows themed icons seems tremendous however without any doubt you can show off to your friends that you have installed Windows 7 on your iPhone/iPod Touch.
So what are you waiting for join the Windows mobile bandwagon by putting on Windows 7 cloths on your iPhone. But before you can start you should have your iPhone jailbroken. To jailbreak visit prodecure mentioned here.