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VLC Open-Source Media Player For Android, Download Now

Windows and Mac Users have already heard about VLC open-source Media player which is quite popular for running almost all types of audio and video formats. Great news to Android users because VLC Media Player has now made its way to Android devices. We all are very greatfull to CVPCS who made it possible to compile a working pre-Alpha version of VLC media player for Android.

Before you actually start download VLC player on your android device, you need to make sure if your device’s CPU support NEON because two seperate version are available for NEON and NO-NEON. Don’t worry it is going to be very simple to identify. All you have to do is launch any file manager app, locate the folder /proc/cpuinfo in system files and then check inside. You will find similar to below mentioned description:

If you want to get more information abot VLC for Android then visit CVPCS developers page. However, you can download Pre-Alpha version of NEON VLC for Android from here and NONEON VLC for Android from here.

Via [phandroid]

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