uTorrent has added support for Android Applications on the famous Torrent Desktop Client which previously was supporting iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch iOS applications. Although the surprise that blew us away was the uTorrent has started supporting Android Devices thereby we can share, download and monitor the torrents directly from Android devices however close reading disclosed the actual story behind the uTorrent Home page view. You can simply drag and drop your downloaded Applications and Games APKs onto uTorrent and rest is automated sharing on torrent. In addition you can also convert your videos to mobile supported formats.
Future updates of uTorrent might video conversion formats which can directly be played on Android, iOS, PS3, Xbox devices. Although you can try the alpha update for uTorrent from the link below but it is recommended that you wait for the stable release of uTorrent. uTorrent currently handles more than 100 Million active users a month with the market share of 50% as far as all torrent applications are concerned. Therefore without any doubt uTorrent is the number one application for torrent even though their teams are all set for new ventures.
Download uTorrent 3.1 aplha via TorrentFreak
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