If you are new to this, TinyUmbrella or iSHSHit applications brings the aption to save the SHSH blobs before upgrading the new iOS. But if you are not satisfied with new iOS upgrade then these saved blobs will used to downgrade your iDevice iOS to an previous or older version. Today, NotCom, Developer behind TinyUmbrella has released an update to support iOS 5.0.1 Build 9A406. However, it is pertinent to mention here that currently there is no procedure available to downgrade an iPhone 4S as Apple has changed the way its signs firmware.
Although we cannot exploit/restore iPhone 4S SHSHs we still should save them just in case. I’ve just updated TU to support iPhone 4S 5.0.1b “9A406”.
You can download TinyUmbrella for Windows from here and for Mac from here.
However, if you want to downgrade from iOS 5 Beta and have your SHSH blobs avaiable for iOS 4 then follow the step-by-step guide to downgrade your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch using TinyUmbrella 5.00.10
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Click here for Untethered Jailbreak iOS 5.0/5.0.1 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch using RedSn0w, Click here Using PwnageTool 5.0.1[Mac Only] or here using Corona 5.0.1 Untether.
You can also jailbreak iPhone, iPad or iPod touch on iOS 4.3.5 using RedSnow, iOS 4.3.3 using Redsn0w, JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella, SnowBreeze & PwnageTool.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPod, Themes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.
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