If you are Android user then you must be already using Superuser in order to Grant and manage Superuser rights for your Android phone. It is the most popular and recommended app to “hook into your phone’s power,“. Just know Superuser App has been updated to Version 3.0 which is actually a complete revamp in terms of design and features.
The complete change log of Superuser Version 3.0 are as follows:
- Fixed layout on non-Honeycomb tablets
- Better handling of fragments on tablets
- Compatibility for Donut restored
- Fixed bug that caused unpredictable results when an app is remembered that was previously allowed
- Backup/restore of apps and preferences
- Fix for Superuser thinking the binary is outdated when it’s not
- Major speed increase for notifications and logging
- Show seconds in log defaults to off now
- Fix FC when trying to swipe left/right in HomeActivity
- Fix changelog version tracking, only show what’s changed since the last time the changelog was displayed on launch
You can download Superuser Version 3.0 free of cost from Android Market.
For more stuff check out our Android Market Gallery.
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