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Spyphoto – Quick Stealth Photograph Perform Gesture Take Photo without letting anybody know for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

Spyphoto Jailbreak tweak allows you to take photograph very quickly using the shortcut gesture on the top of any application you are working on. Spyphoto does not require access to native Camera application which takes ample time to load and take a snap rather in a second you can take the photo graph and its stored inside the photo album. Moreover it does not play the camera sound or using the flash in order to perform the action in stealth. There are multiple activation methods available in the settings menu of your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch which you need to configure before use however ‘hold statusbar’ is the default activation method.

Some of the major features of Spyphoto are,

  • Take Pictures without any sound.
  • Take Pictures from any app.
  • Choose Front or Back Camera.
  • Enable confirmation PopUp before taking picture.
  • Automatically saves to Photo Library.
Sneak preview Spyphoto in action,


After you have installed the Spyphoto Jailbreak tweak all you need to do is perform the activation function and you will see the snapshot above that the picture has been saved to Photo library.Spyphoto is a paid Cydia Tweak and can be downloaded from BigBoss Repo using the procedure here however if you like the application please buy it for $1.50 from Cydia.

For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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