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Slide To Unlock Patent Granted to Apple

Patent war has been there for last couple of years among the Smartphone manufacturers however recently Apple iOS and Google Android have geared up in this field which close the doors for further improvements in the already developed product but someone other than the inventor himself. And today’s Slide To Unlock patent is a clear example of locking down the technology. It all started when Apple introduced their first iPhone in Jan 2007 the iOS contained slide to unlock function to enter the homescreen and the reason given behind that in the keynote was “To unlock the phone, I just take my finger and slide it across. Wanna see that again? We wanted something you couldn’t do by accident in your pocket. Just slide it across – BOOM.” 

Apple Slide to Unlock patent will allow the company to further improve the usability of the feature as it already avoids accidental unlocking of the device when in your pocket. The patent diagram is as under,

Apple ingenuity can not be denied with the advent of simple slide to unlock which acts as door to the iOS and even after the inclusion of advanced functionalities like Siri, Notification Centre etc still the unlocking mechanism does not require any change.

Source PatentlyApple

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