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Siri Hack Can Now Turn On Fireplace And More [Video]

Since Apple launch Siri Assistant feature with iPhonse 4S, hackers have been trying day and night to explore all the  possibilities which apparently seems to be endless. Specially after Siri Protocol hack, hackers have opened the gates for developers to create a proxy server and use the Siri functionality for their own applications. The latest hack we have just come across is, it can now be used to turn on the fireplace along with other home appliances.

Mark Hodder, a freelance webmaster has recently demonstrated on his blog showing Siri controlling Entire Room Lights, Curtains, Fans which completely automates your home. The whole procedure includes installation of Siri Proxy on Macbook which controls several X10 modules and ioBridge and ultimately converts your appliances and light sockets into web-enabled clients.

From Developer:

I’ve been using ioBridge & X10 for a couple years now to control some of my appliances / lights etc. in my apartment. ioBridge is a small module that allows you to web-enable your projects. Once you buy the control panel you can extend it with various boards, probes and sensors.

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Via [ultrasn0w]

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