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QuickSafari – Launch Safari Search or Browse URL Quickly from Anywhere for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

From the maker of Screenshot Picture and iRepo here is another awesome jailbreak tweak which enables quick Mobile Safari Browser URL launch and Safari Browser Search from anywhere on your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch using QuickSafari. QuickSafari might come handy if you fully utilize the multitasking functionality of iOS and have multiple applications running at the moment and want to launch a website quickly or search something on the Internet quickly. QuickSafari achieves this launch anywhere in iOS by integrating itslef with Activator and you can set the function for activation of QuickSafari. You can configure the launch action for QuickSafari from the activator.

You can configure the QuickSafari options from Settings menu as there are no Homescreen icons added for the Jailbreak Tweak. QuickSafari is a paid Cydia Tweak and can be downloaded from BigBoss Repo using the procedure here however if you like the application please buy it for $0.99 from Cydia.

In order to enjoy these Applications and Tweaks you need to Jailbreak so you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak  & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella,  SnowBreeze &  PwnageTool.
For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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