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Opera Mini 6.5 Released for iOS, BlackBerry and Symbian Platforms, Opera Mobile 11.5 Released for Symbian

Opera has just released the new versions of both Opera Mini and Opera Mobile applications. Opera Mini has been upgraded to Version 6.5 whereas Opera Mobile has been upgraded to Version 11.5.  These upgraded versions have brought the  availability to large market of mobile operating systems.

Opera Mini 6.5 is now available for iOS which includes iPhone and iPad devices, BlackBerry and Symbian along with the support on Java-enabled(J2ME) phones. Whereas, Opera Mobile 11.5 is now supported on Symbian, MeeGo and Maemo platforms.

The major change that has come with Opera Mini 6.5 and Opera Mobile 11.5 is newly added interface with enables you to check how much data you have spent and saved while using two browsers, rest is almost same. In addition to that a counter has been put in place which tells globally how much data have been saved since 2 November 2011 by all of its users. Lastly it also allows you to perform auto-correct and spell-check along with an option to search directly from the address bar.

I am sure if you would be much interested to download now for your device and we will be waiting for your feedback on these newly released version of opera.

Sources [Opera Mini 6.5Opera Mobile 11.5]

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