Recently Apple has launched the next generation of its iOS 5 which comes with tens of new features mostly the ones which were already present using Jailbreak tweaks e.g. Notification center, Camera Button, Photo Editors etc however possibilities are endless in Jailbreak tweaks. Therefore after the upgrade to iOS 5 Jailbreak community is in the process of upgrading their tweaks to support iOS 5 summarized here and the recent updates include the following,
MultiFlow for iOS 5
Multiflow allows you to switch between multitasking Applications using Card based style switcher whcih can be easily activated using activator shortcuts.MultiFlow provides you with interactive graphical representation of background applications and there may be cases that you can extract information without even switching to particular application rather using MultiFlow you can read the information and move on. To change switchover style goto Settings > Multifl0w > Switcher Style and select Expose or Card Style.
MultiFlow is a paid Cydia Application for 4.99 US$ but you can install it using the procedure here for trial purposes. However if you like the application please buy it from Cydia.
MultiIconMover for iOS 5
MultiIconMover facilitates HomeScreen icon adjustments as you can easily move more than one icons from one location to another. By default iOS allows you to only move one icon at a time which limitation has been removed using MultiIconMover tweak.
Although the tweak is still in Beta and can be downloaded from the link below,
MultiIconMover (1.0.4~b2).deb
ScrollingBoard for iOS 5
ScrollingBoard offer various customization for the Dock including scrolling dock icons, stacking and graphical effects. ScrollingBoard is similar to InfiniDock in functionality but customization offered by ScrollingBoard are far more. Some of the features provided by ScrollingBoard are,
- Download and add addons to ScrollingBoard
- Enable dock addons
- Paging
- Icons per page (Portrait/Landscape)
- Bounce Force