Alongside launch of Windows 8 Developers Preview Microsoft revealed its tablet version of Windows 8 OS running on Samsung Tablet. We all are aware of the rising Apple iPad 2 sales and the mark original iPad has made all the tablet gurus stunned but now after the preview of Windows 8 tablet few are convinced that it will notably change Apple’s tablet market sales figures.
Microsoft’s Windows division president Steven Sinofsky said,
“We re-imagined Windows, from the chipset to the user experience, Windows 8 brings a new range of capabilities without compromise.”
Samsung device specs are,
Redesigned Samsung’s Series 7 tablet, featuring a 1.6GHz processor, 11.6-inch screen, front and rear cameras, and HDMI port, USB port, microSD slot and a SIM-card slot. The companies also included a charging dock with USB, HDMI and Ethernet ports, a Bluetooth keyboard and a stylus pen. AT&T partnered up to offer a year of 3G service for the devices to Build attendees, though the free plan is capped at 2GB of data per month.
Earlier it was revealed that Windows 8 will be carrying same Kernel for Desktop and Mobile variants as reported in this post.
Sneak preview Samsung Windows 8 Tablet in action,
via [thisismynext]
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