Yesterday we shared a post about Cydia jailbreak tweaks integrated in iOS 5. However, there are lots of features which are still missing from the latest iOS which provide value addition for provisioning of new services. I have mentioned the complete list of cydia tweaks along with their Compatibility status with iOS5. You need to visit the list on regular basis in order to get the latest update on compatibility status.
Sr. Tweak Status
1 3G Unrestrictor Yes 2 60 Second Lock Screen Yes 3 Action Menu Yes 4 Action Menu Plus Pack Yes 5 ActionBoard Yes 6 Activator Yes 7 AdBlocker Yes 8 AndroidLock XT N/A [1] 9 App Switcher Brightness Yes 10 AppLinks N/A 11 AppSlide N/A 12 AppSync for 5.0 Yes 13 APT 0.7 HTTPS Method N/A 14 Ask to send N/A 15 AttachmentSaver N/A 16 Autolock SBSettings Yes 17 Backgrounder N/A 18 biteSMS Partially 19 Black Keyboard Yes 20 Bolt Yes 21 BTStack N/A 22 CallBar Yes 23 Celeste No 24 CleverPin Yes 25 Clock Plugin for LockInfo N/A 26 Cydelete Yes 27 Cyntact No 28 DeleteMail Yes 29 DietBar Yes 30 DisplayOut Yes 31 Dock N/A 32 Double At Yes 33 Dreamboard Yes 34 Dynamic Table Strip Partially 35 f.lux Yes 36 FakeCarrier Yes 37 FakeClockUp N/A 38 FastCopy N/A 39 Fastr Yes 40 Firewall iP Yes 41 Five collum SB N/A 42 Five Icon Dock Yes 43 Five Icon Switcher Yes 44 FolderCloser Yes 45 FolderEnhancer No 46 FolderLock Yes 47 FullScreen for Safari Yes 48 Gridlock No 49 GridTab for Safari N/A 50 HapticPro Yes 51 HeadingLock for Maps N/A 52 HomePage Yes 53 iBlank Yes 54 iFile Yes 55 Infinidock No 56 Infinifolders No 57 Installous 4 Yes 58 Intelliscreen No 59 IP Blocker Yes 60 iPhone Modem Yes 61 iPicMyContacts No 62 iRealSMS Partially 63 iRetiner GUI N/A 64 KBShortcuts Yes 65 KeyVibrate N/A 66 Kill Background Yes 67 libstatusbar Yes 68 LinkSafe N/A 69 Lockdown N/A 70 LockGestures Partially 71 LockInfo Partially 72 LockLauncher Yes 73 Maps Enhancer N/A 74 Mobile Substrate Yes 75 MobileTerminal Yes 76 MultiCleaner No 77 Multiflow N/A 78 MultiIconMover No 79 MxTube Yes 80 My3G N/A 81 NoSpot Yes 82 NoVoiceMail N/A 83 OpenNotifier N/A 84 OpenNotifier Premium Pack N/A 85 OpenSSH Yes 86 OverBoard Yes 87 PagePusher Yes 88 PasswordPilot Yes 89 PKG Backup No 90 PowerSaver Yes 91 Pull to Refresh for Mail Partially 92 RemindMeLater No 93 Remove Background SBSetting Yes 94 RestoreTab for Safari N/A 95 RetinaPad Yes 96 roqyBT4 Yes 97 sb rotator N/A 98 SBSettings Yes 99 ScreenDimmer Yes 100 Scrolling Board No 101 Serious SBSettings HD Yes 102 ShowCase No 103 SlideAway Yes 104 SMS+ Yes 105 Springtomize No 106 StayOpened Yes 107 StyleUnlock No 108 SuperSlider Yes 109 SwitcherPlus No 110 TruPrint N/A 111 ultrasn0w Yes 112 Veency Yes 113 WiFI Booster Yes 114 Winterboard N/A 115 Xpandr N/A
We will be updating the above mentioned list on regular basis. However, if you find it first then do let us know.
Via[Google spreadsheets]
If you have been already upgraded to Apple’s latest iOS 5 then you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella, SnowBreeze & PwnageTool.
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