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iStartupMovie : Lets You Add Start Up Video to Your iPhone, iPad

Cydia Jailbreak Tweaks and applications gives you the opportunity to keep on customizing your iOS device and never would let you get bored of it, doesn’t matter if you owns an iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch. Today, we are going to brief you about a jailbreak tweak called “iStartupMovie“, allows you to set and play any video of your choice every time you respring or reboot your iOS device. Video clip will be played before you reach to the springboard or homescreen.

Once you install this Jailbreak Tweak, it will not bring any change or effect to your existing iOS settings. However, it does create a new “iStartupMovie” app icon to your iOS device Springboard.

By default, iStartupMovie comes with two sample videos. As you have noticed that existing videos files are in
.mov/.m4v” format and located at “: /var/mobile/Library/StartupMovies”.

However, if you want to put your own choice videos then find the video with reasonable length, make sure that file extension is either .mov or .m4v and copy  it to “/var/mobile/Library/Startup Movies” directory using iFile(Please visit our post to get more information about iFile).  in case your selected video is currently located at your PC then use DiskAid to copy it into your iOS device at “/var/mobile/Library/Startup Movies” directory.

Once you are done with video copying, Launch the iStartupMovie app and select your preferred video from the list. Changes will be done immediately.


You can download and install iStartupMovie from Cydia’s BigBoss repository and it is available free of cost.

In order to enjoy these Applications and Tweaks you need to Jailbreak so you might like to see Redsn0w Jailbreak  & JailbreakMe or to Jailbreak while preserving your baseband (software unlock) see TinyUmbrella,  SnowBreeze &  PwnageTool.

For more stuff check out our Jailbreak Apps & Tweaks Gallery for iPhone/iPodThemes Gallery for iPhone/iPod,Games Gallary for iPhone/iPod & Appstore Apps Gallery for iPhone/iPod.

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