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How to Uninstall Android from HP TouchPad

Installation of Android operating system on HP TouchPad through famous CyanogenMod has really enhanced the  capabilities of an almost dumb device which was put on sale at a price tag of $99. Users who have already installed Android OS on HP TouchPad and now have decided to bring it back to original sate then just don’t worry because CyanogenMod team has now released an ACMEUninstaller utility which allows you to uninstall Android and bring the partitions into its  original  state in order to have all of the space available again along with webOS. If you are one of the user then you must be knowing that previously manual deletion was required to in order to completely remove Android from HP TouchPad.

ACMEUninstaller utility will actaully delete Android along with installed apps, Moboot and ClockworkMod. However, it all the data which is saved in “SD card” will not be removed will not remove data from the “SD card” storage and requires manual deletion in order to get that disk space available for you.


1-   Download ACMEUninstaller.zip file from here.

2-   Unzip ACMEUninstaller to the same directory as your Palm Novacom files.

3. Reboot your tablet. From Android, you can do this by pressing and holding the power button and choosing the reboot options. From webOS, navigate to Settings, choose Device Info, then tap the Reset Options button followed by the Reset button.

4. As soon as the screen turns black, press and hold the Volume Up button until a bright white USB icon shows up on your display.

5. Make sure your tablet is connected to your computer via a USB cable.

6. Open a terminal on your computer.

7. Navigate to the Palm Novacom directory (on my computer that’s C:\Program Files\Palm, Inc).

8. Type the following, without quotes: “novacom boot mem:// < ACMEUninstaller”


That’s it. Your tablet should reboot in a moment and Android will be nothing but a distant memory.

Via [liliputing]

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