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How To Get The New YouTube Homepage Design Right Now

YouTube is in the process of upgrading their homepage and revamping the layout. Currently the new design is being tested by the developers therefore it has not been launched for the general public. However if you want to access the YouTube new design and layout the procedure below will help you out in doing so which has been discovered by folks at GHack and all you need to do is modify few parameters to get access to the new YouTube.

How To Get New YouTube Homepage Design

Step 1: Access YouTube from your web browser (Chrome or Firefox)

Step 2: When YouTube website is completely loaded Open the browser console

  • For Google Chrome, press Ctrl-Shift-j to open the Developer Tools > Console tab.
  • For Mozilla Firefox, press Ctrl-Shift-k to open the Web Console.

Step 3: Now enter the following code into the place shown above,


Step 4: Reload the website and you will have the new design.

Source GHacks 

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