If you are new to it then Google Voice is an internet based service launched back in 11 March 2009 which allows you to set one phone number and distribute it to multiple phones. It means, you don’t have to change your Telephone (contact) number even if you switch jobs. Not only this, you can also block phone numbers, screen phone calls and impose new rules based on the caller. You will be intimated about your voicemail messages through an email or text message sent by Google.
Google has just now updated the Google voice app which brings some new features. Although new version brings improved notifications and group texting but the main feature which sets this update apart is offline voicemail. It is pertinent to mention here that Google stores your voicemails on their servers rather than locally on your phone. Therefore, while accessing your voicemails from the Google Server, a decent network coverage will always be required otherwise it won’t play your voicemails.
If you are using Google Voice service on frequent basis then we strong recommend you to download it from Android Market
Source [thenextweb]
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