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Google Slick New Tablet Search Design iPad & Android

Tablets have been around for past few years but their popularity since launch of Apple iPad and Android devices have been multiplied really fast. Google is giving a due share to tablets by introduction of customized interfaces for tablet and Google Slick Search is a clear example of that.

Google Slick Design Updates will start showing up on iOS and Android tablets from now on and will complete in next few days. However other tablets especially Playbook have to wait for new search changes. With these new changes Google search will be more Touch Friendly and buttons will be adjusted to better viewing on comparatively small screen to PC/Macs.

Search changes will include fol,

  • Quick access to search results
  • Buttons and links are more visible and touch friendly
  • Enlarged image previews
  • Faster thumbnail loading
  • Continuous scroll
  • Shopping search incorporates star ratings and data points
  • Ads in search results are optimized for landscape and portrait orientations
  • Places search along with location tags
So what are you waiting for, try the new search experience by directing you iPad or Android tablet to “www.google.com”.
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