All those Mac users have already been upgraded from Snow Leopard to Apple’s recently launched OS X Lion operating system and still struggling to get used to with its new features and improvements can now return back to Snow Leopard without losing any data. You must be already annoyed of some application which were perfectly working in Snow Leopard and now facing compatibility issues in OS X Lion.
It is pertinent to mention here that this downgrade will not work those Mac hardware which were introduced after the final version of Lion was released. At the time of this writing, the mid-2011 Mac Mini and the MacBook Air from the same time period are both incapable of running Snow Leopard.
We are now going to show you three different ways for moving back to Apple’s Snow Leopard operating system.
Procedure 1 – Restore From A Backup Using Disk Utility
This procedure will let you use your start-up disk which you might have backed up to another drive using Disk Utility’s Backup feature.
1- Boot up your Mac and press the Alt key once you hear the boot chime. Here you need to choose Restore HD to boot Lion in Recovery Mode.
2- change the selection to Recovery HD as shown in picture
3- Reboot your Mac and and connect your backup drive if needed.
4- Now you need to select “Disk Utility” from Mac OS X Utilities and then click on continue button.
5- When asked you need to Select Disk Utility, Choose your backup partition from the sidebar and go to the Restore Tab.
6- Now select your startup drive as Destination which can be done by simply dragging it from sidebar to destination empty field. Now Press the Restore button which will reboot your system with Snow Leopard.
Procedure 2 – Restore A Time Machine Backup
If you are frequent user of taking Time Machine backup dating back to before your Lion upgrade then you can downgrade back to Snow Leopard in a few minutes.
1- Repeat step 1 and step 2 of procedure 1.
2- Just select “Restore From Time Machine Backup” from Mac OS X Utilities. However, if you have stored the backup on external drive then insert the drive and press the continue button. Follow on screen instructions for further set up.
3- Reboot your system and it will be running Snow Leopard once again.
Method 3 – Install from Disk
Just in case if you have not saved any backups then it is impossible to restore the Snow Leopard easily by using any of the above 2 methods.You will be left with only one choice which is to install Snow Leopard using restore disk which was provided to at the time of purchase.
1- Insert the Snow Leopard disk.
2- Restart your Mac and Press “ALT” when start up chime is heard.
3- Select Mac OS X install DVD and follow on screen instructions.
All you have to ensure during this simple Installation steup is that partition in which Lion was installed must be completely erased. As soon as you do it, you must update the Mac with latest updates available which strengthens security of your system.