If you live in Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornados and Natural Disasters prone Country it should be one of your concern that early notification System should made you aware of these disasters well before hand to give you some reaction time. Its a natural procedure that if the area in which you are living is expected to be hit by a natural disaster then the electricity is powered down well before hand. Seth Clifford one of the user of theiPhoneBlog has suggested a work around using Blackout Alarm application.
According to Seth Clifford,
About seven minutes into The Plan®, I realized I was not going to be getting any sleep, primarily because I would not be able to relax enough to make it restful. As a last resort, I turned to the App Store. In it, I found an app simply called Blackout Alarm. You turn the app on, plug your iPhone in, and if at any point your phone detects that it’s running off of the battery, it blares an alarm. That’s it! I plugged the phone in, turned it on and tested it a few times by pulling the plug out of the dock. Eureka! Something so simple, yet so perfectly tailored to my exact need at that exact moment, and more importantly, singularly providing me a sense of comfort that I didn’t expect to get at all that night. [read more]
Therefore if you like the solution presented then you can use Blackout Alarm application to sleep at peace. You can install Blackout Alarm by following the procedure here for trial but please buy it from Appstore links above for 0.99US$ if your like it.
via theiPhoneBlog
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