According to reported published in DigiTimes, Apple is planning to completely overhaul iPad, iPhone, iMac And MacBook Air Next products next year. Although DigiTimes reporting at times is bit shaky and does not come into reality but still some do therefore its worth mentioning as the newspaper has considerably large circulation. In the report “sources in the upstream supply chain” the newspaper has categorically mentioned iPad, iPhone, iMac And MacBook Air which will be revamped in 2012.
The reports say,
Apple plans to completely overhaul its product lineups, including iPad, iMac,iPhone and MacBook Air, in 2012 and is expected to finalize order volumes for key parts and components for the next-generation iPad in December, according to sources in the upstream supply chain.
It should be noted that Apple did overhaul iPhone with iPhone 4 product in 2010 as well as iPad 2 which are considerably improved version of original iPad. Also the MacBook Air did receive a minor redesign. Although iMac did not receive any design change since 2010 so we might say that Apple is planning to update iMac but for the rest of the products only time and Apple announcement can tell that its reality or otherwise.
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