Apple iOS incorporates weather application of its own however there are number of other weather forecast providers but Aelios Weather stands out of them due to its unique crafted interface supporting location based interface. In the recent update Aelios Weather has updated the configurational support for multiple forecast service provider including The application opens with a large circular dial which you can drag over the map behind to get the updated location information. Forecast for next 7 days as well as daylight and night timings are visible on the application interface. On zoom out and swipe you can see rest of the cities and countries and stopping by gives you the weather information.
Some the major improvements of current update are,
• AccuWeather forecasts.
• New multi-provider system lets you choose your providers in order of preference.
• Quickly switch providers in weather poster view by swiping “forecast by…”
• Redesigned info pane including News section.
• Double-tap the map to zoom in without moving the center. Do this after you have located yourself or searched for a location to remain locked on.
• Re-written architecture to improve performance, stability, animations and overall user experience.
• New server infrastructure to handle multi-provider system.
• Tips to help first-time users.
• New start-up image featuring a map by famous cartographer Jodocus Hondius.
Source AppStore
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